Celery: Chomped or Juiced = Multiple Health Benefits


I’ve always thought celery was fairly tasteless and only good when a stalk is filled with something like peanut butter, herbed cream cheese or the like. But that’s really short-selling a first-rate vegetable that offers loads of health benefits all on its own. And it can be used in so many different types of recipes, whether part of a soup base, Waldorf salad, crudité platter, veggie juice, etc……


There are a wealth of health benefits of celery that many people are not aware of, including the fact that celery is rich in vitamin C, it lowers cholesterol, prevents cancer, manages pain from arthritis, helps weight loss attempts, detoxifies the body, reduces high blood pressure, and promotes overall health in a vast number of ways.

Nutritional Value of Celery

Celery contains minerals such as calcium, sodium, copper, magnesium, iron, zinc, potassium.  It contains fatty acids and vitamins including vitamin A, C, E, D, B6, B12 and vitamin K. It also contains thiamine, riboflavin, folic acid and fiber.

Health Benefits of Celery

The health benefits of celery include the following:

Reduced blood pressure: Celery contains pthalides, which are organic chemical compounds that can lower the level of stress hormones in your blood. This allows your blood vessels to expand, giving your blood more room to move, thereby reducing pressure. When blood pressure is reduced, it puts less stress on the entire cardiovascular system, and reduces the chances of developing atherosclerosis, or suffering from a heart attack or a stroke.

Reduced cholesterol: Eating celery every day may reduce artery-clogging cholesterol (called LDL or “bad” cholesterol). The pthalides in celery also stimulates the secretion of bile juices, which works to reduce cholesterol levels. Less cholesterol means less plaque on the artery walls and a general improvement in heart health. The fiber that is found in celery also works to scrape the cholesterol out of the bloodstream and eliminate it from the body with regular bowel movements, further boosting cardiovascular health.

Antiseptic: Celery seeds help in the elimination of uric acid because it is commonly used for its diuretic properties, meaning that it stimulates urination. Therefore, celery is good for people with bladder disorders, kidney problems, cystitis, and other similar conditions. Celery seeds also assist in preventing urinary tract infections in women.

celeryHealthy joints: Celery is great for people suffering from arthritis, rheumatism and gout.  It had anti-inflammatory properties that help to reduce swelling and pain around the joints. Celery sticks also act as a diuretic, which helps to remove uric acid crystals that build up around the body’s joints that can add to the pain and discomfort of frequent joint use. It can also increase the regrowth of tissue in inflamed joints.

Prevents cancer: Celery contains phthalides, flavonoids, and polyacetylenes. These cancer-fighting components detoxify carcinogens. Celery also contains coumarins that enhance the activity of certain white blood cells, which can effectively stave off cancer as well.  These antioxidant components seek out free radicals floating in the body and damaging organs and neutralize them before they can result in the development of serious conditions like cancer.

Improved immune system: Celery is rich in vitamin C, which greatly boosts the strength of the immune system. Stimulated by the activity of other antioxidants in celery, it becomes more active and efficient. Because of the high content of vitamin C in celery, eating it regularly can reduce your risk of catching the common cold, as well as protecting you against a variety of other diseases.

Reduces Asthma Symptoms: Vitamin-C prevents free radical damage and it also has anti-inflammatory properties that lessen the severity of inflammatory conditions like asthma.

Cardiovascular health: The notable presence of vitamin C, fiber, and other organic chemicals in the roots of celery promotes cardiovascular health.

Diuretic activity: Celery is rich in both sodium and potassium, and both of these minerals help to regulate the fluid balance in the body. Potassium also acts as a vasodilator, reducing blood pressure.

Relief from migraines: The presence of coumarins can provide relief from migraines. The exact mechanism isn’t completely understood, but research points to a suppression of Nitric Oxide release in the brain which can cause headaches and migraines.

Treats rheumatism: Celery extracts, which contain 85% 3nB, are effective for treating arthritis and muscular pains.

Diabetes Health: Celery leaves are also eaten for treating diabetic conditions, particularly because they are high in fiber, which has been shown to help manage diabetic symptoms.

Relief from ophthalmological diseases: Dripping celery tea drops on eyelids is good for certain ophthalmological conditions, and can improve your eye health, reduce your chances of developing cataracts, and protects you against macular degeneration.

Nerve calming properties: Celery contains high calcium and due to this it is commonly used to calm the nerves.

Weight loss: Health benefits of celery include weight management. Regular drinking of celery juice before meals may help you to reduce your weight. This is because celery is very low in calories, but it is very filling because of the fiber content. Therefore, it can help reduce the tendency to overeat and help you keep the weight down without feeling hungry all the time!

Other benefits: Celery acts as an antioxidant as well, and in truth, all parts of celery including the seeds, roots and leaves can be used. Eating celery regularly helps to avoid diseases of the kidney, pancreas, liver and gallbladder; neuritis, constipation, asthma, high blood pressure, catarrh, pyorrhea and dropsy, mental exhaustion, acidosis, anemia, obesity and tuberculosis. It also helps in the overall health and strength of teeth.

Celery: How to select and store?

Celery is easily available in markets all over the world. Choose the celery which is green in color, has no discoloration, has fresh and crisp leaves. Store it in refrigerator and use in 5-7 days. Make sure you do not freeze it.

Word of caution: Celery seeds contain volatile oils, flavonoids, coumarins and linoleic acid and are therefore not good for pregnant women because they may cause contractions in the uterus. Other than that, eat as many of those crunchy, green, and healthy stalks as you can!

Source: https://www.organicfacts.net/health-benefits/vegetable/health-benefits-of-celery.html

Some added info about celery from ph360…..

  • It contains certain plant sterols that can pass the blood-brain barrier, providing some benefits to brain cells.
  • It can help calm the body and reduce internal pressure, because increased blood pressure and anxiety can contribute to sleep disturbances.
  • It can help maintain the structure and elasticity of blood vessels, joints and tissues thanks to its copper content. Copper plays an important role in the activity of the enzyme lysyl oxidase needed for collagen and elastin.
  • Its manganese content is great for the brain and nervous system’s health and function.
  • It’s a natural source of phosphorus, which is good for healthy bone formation, improved digestion, and hormonal balance.
  • It is one of the best sources of natural nitrate, a natural vasodilator. To get the best nitrate benefit the best ways to have celery are: raw, cooked with mild heat (50 °C, 10–30 min), or include it in a juice you drink right away.
  • The quercetin content of celery (which provides the body protection from oxidative stress) is maintained when simmered or made in a soup because this flavonoid gets transferred into the water or broth.
  • Its anti-inflammatory properties come from its potent phenolic antioxidants which protect from oxidative damage to blood vessel walls.

More on the many benefits of celery, especially in connection to high blood pressure:


And even though my post on celery juice included a video about some of its benefits, I found the video below even more enlightening as to how and why celery juice is so good for our bodies…

For even more on celery and celery juice, visit https://www.celeryjuice.com, a website created by Medical Medium that’s devoted exclusively to the crunchy green stalks and their many health benefits. 🙂

Related Self-help Health post:

The Benefits of Celery Juice


p.s. Be sure to subscribe to Self-help Health so you don’t miss any future posts. Also check out my Evolution Made Easier website’s To Your Health page and my other blog for more helpful information, tips, tools and resources.

Disclaimer: Please note that any information here is provided as a guideline only, and is not meant to substitute for the advice of your physician, nutritionist, trained healthcare practitioner, and/or inner guidance system. Always consult a professional before undertaking any change to your normal health routine



9 thoughts on “Celery: Chomped or Juiced = Multiple Health Benefits

  1. LS CREATIONS says:

    Very interesting article. I love celery and eat it as often as I can as I was diagnosed as Type 2 Diabetic two months ago. I am always looking for good articles and information to help me with my daily maintenance and handling of this desease.


    • zirah1 says:

      Glad you found it interesting and possibly helpful. There’s a previous post on juicing celery that provides some additional info. I’m actually not that crazy about celery, at least when it’s just plain stalks of it, but after learning about all its benefits I now make the celery “juice” in my Vitamix on a regular basis. In fact, I have some left from the batch I made yesterday (also added in organic cilantro, lemon juice & peel) in my fridge right now. 🙂

      BTW, good luck w/ the Type 2 Diabetes. From all the reading and research I’ve done there is a whole lot that can be done to manage or even alleviate/reverse it by following certain diet and exercise protocols, plus, of course mental and emotional well-being, or lack thereof, plays a huge part in our health, as well.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Sarah says:

    Hi Zirah 🙂 I had some celery with my lunch today. Yum! I really like it. I like the crunch and the taste. I agree that it is good filled with stuff. When I was young, it was peanut butter. Peanut butter doesn’t seem to work for me anymore. The other week, I had some almond butter which I hadn’t had in a while. It was a minor obsession for as long as the jar lasted. 🙂 Some of it ended up on stalks of celery. 🙂 I read a while ago that celery was good for you, but I didn’t remember why. Thanks for the update. 🙂


    • zirah1 says:

      Glad you found the info helpful. When I first started researching celery I was pleasantly surprised that it’s so good for you because there doesn’t seem to be much to it. 🙂 And I, too, loved it (and anything else!) w/ peanut butter but p. b. doesn’t like me that much these days…..so I try to use almond butter and sunflower nut butter, which tastes closer to p. b. to me than anything else I’ve found so far, especially if it has a little salt added to it.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Sarah says:

        I had a conversation a while back with someone who thought peanut butter and jelly sandwiches were a punishment when he was a child. I guess he didn’t find them sustaining. I used to love pb&j sandwiches and thought of them as a treat. 🙂 I might have wanted to have them everyday back then. 🙂 I also liked peanut butter and raisin sandwiches or peanut butter and banana sandwiches. Put a little bit of honey in there? Ah… Good memories. 🙂


      • zirah1 says:

        Yes, I think I could eat pbj’s almost daily, as far as not getting tired of them, and they seemed to agree w/ me when I was younger. But maybe I wasn’t as attuned to my body back then, or maybe my system was younger and able to process things easier. Since then I have learned about peanuts often having aflatoxin, a form of mycotoxin, which they think may be the reason some people have an allergic reaction to them, possibly brought on from eating them so often. What’s interesting is I just saw my older sister and her husband and she said he’s been on a kick lately of having a pbj sandwich every day. Hopefully he won’t end up having a problem w/ that.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Sarah says:

        That’s interesting. I hadn’t heard about that. I decided peanuts and peanut butter didn’t work for me back my 20s and haven’t had them since then. My Mom still eats peanut butter on crackers or celery. I was feeling cautious about the almond butter since I hadn’t had almonds in ages either. That was because I got tired of them. I am not sure what my body thought about the almond butter. My taste buds liked it. 🙂 It is too pricey to become an obsession, though. I saw Sunflower seed butter in the store, but I haven’t tried any of it. I have some sunflower seeds every day. I did look at the Sunflower seed butter and think…. Hmm…. I wonder what this would be like? I guess I wasn’t feeling adventuresome enough that day. 🙂


      • Sarah says:

        Thank you! I will check it out. I am having trouble with my Internet connection right now and everything is loading very very slowly. It is a good test of my patience. 🙂 I think my patience is ready for a rest, but I will click the link to read your post before I give up for the day.

        Liked by 1 person

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