New Docu-series On Breaking Free From Toxic-overload

Just found out from Erin Elizabeth about this health-related series put together by detox expert Wendy Myers. There are so many series and summits these days that I’m about “summit-ed out,” if you know what I mean. But the world around us is, unfortunately, more full of toxins and pollution than ever, so I think it’s super important we all have a variety of ways to help our bodies stay as toxin-free as possible.

If you’re interested in checking things out, here’s “the scoop”…

We all know that our food, water, air, and so many products we use are rife with “toxins” that experts are telling you to detox from.

Here’s why this series is so important…

If you’re starting to wonder if your chronic symptoms like anxiety, depression, brain fog, and other health issues could be linked to “toxic overload” in your body…

You’re right to be concerned.

The unfortunate truth is that 2,000-3,000 new and untested chemicals are released into our environment every single year…

And it’s no coincidence that as the number of toxins in our environment rises, so does the rate of chronic illness.

That means if we really want to heal, it’s not enough to do the occasional “detox” or just “eat organic” (which, by the way, does not mean “pesticide-free”).

In fact, it means we have to go much, MUCH deeper than traditional or even functional medicine has ever gone before.

And if we’re being honest? You might be starting to tune all of that out.
How can you fight back against the 100,000 toxic chemicals you’re in contact with every single day that cause cancer, autoimmune illness and more?  

Is it time to just accept that we’ll all end up with some sort of chronic disease or an early death?
One of the world’s top heavy metal experts, Dr. Myers, answers all those questions and more in her new free docuseries, Heavy. Heavy not only features a new approach to detox that’s proven effective enough to take on our growing toxic load…

But also features 107 interviews with experts on topics like: 

Where to find the safest consumer brands and food 
How to stay safe from the medications we’re finding in our so-called “clean” drinking water
The 6 deadly ways toxins promote obesity 
The lead and toxins hiding in baby formula, dog food, and protein powders
The sneaky way that toxins mimic hormones causing imbalances — and why HRT isn’t the solution
The easiest and most effective thing you can do to detox your body every day
The forces working against us to prevent optimal health
And SO much more.

You can register for this free docu-series here.
What you’ll hear in this groundbreaking series will change the way you see the world…

How you shop and how you eat…
And how you advocate for yourself when you’re sitting face to face with your doctor who insists there’s “nothing you can do” about your unexplained symptoms
How ozone helps to detox your body by oxidizing heavy metals and toxins
How mercury interferes in thyroid hormone production and conversion
And more

p.s. Be sure to subscribe to Self-help Health so you don’t miss any future posts. Also check out my website’s To Your Health page for more helpful health tips, tools and information. 

Disclaimer: Please note that any information here is provided as a guideline only, and is not meant to substitute for the advice of your physician, nutritionist, trained healthcare practitioner, and/or inner guidance system. Always consult a professional before undertaking any change to your normal health routine.

More On Bentonite Clay & A Free PDF To Boot

I’ve been on Perry Arledge’s mailing list ever since I first heard about all the uses for bentonite clay and I always look forward to her newsletter’s helpful tips and/or multiple testimonials. Here’s a copy of the latest issue that includes an impressive testimonial, details for attending the Zoom Q & A meetings she hosts, and input about whether using clay internally leaches nutrients from our bodies. There’s also a link at the end of this post to the free PDF Perry offers on her website…

Hear what new clay customers say about their clay Experiences:

“If I could have only ONE health solution to help me through my life, it is this CLAY! I cannot do without.” – Lisa C.

“Appreciate how fine the clay is-mixes easily with water in the blender and keeps well on the counter. No problem drinking it – use 2 ounces of mixed clay and add more water when drinking. So far so good!” Judith Pflugrath left the following 5 star review for the product Detox Clay Powder

Lifesaving Products: “These products are lifesaving in so many ways. I’ve used the clay for years now and the mask makes your skin feel so soft and smooth. Thanks for providing these wonderful products!!!” – Robin W.

Guest Speaker Recording:

Last month I was a guest speaker on the Front Line Community Care Network. They interview people in the natural solutions for healthy living. Many of you emailed to say you could not make the call. Well, they have made it available now and if you listen you can hear how to get a code for a one time 10% off any product. This link will lead you to The Rumble site where they store the recordings. Scroll down until you see The Bentonite Clay book.

Clay Question from Q&A with Perry A~:

Will Bentonite clays leach nutrients, supplements and vitamins from the body?


No. Weston Price, D.D.S. and author of Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, drew the conclusion that clay increases the body’s ability to absorb nutrients. He drew this conclusion from studying cultures that used clay as a daily part of their diet. Whether in fact this is due to the cleansing and purifying affect of clays, or a whole combination of related actions in the body, is unknown. What is certain is that clay does not leech valuable vitamins and minerals from the body. Of further note, Raymond Dextreit, after 50 years of clinical research in natural medicine, has found no indication that clay negatively affects the nutritional system, although it CAN interfere with drugs being taken internally.

Independent experiments designed to find out how much such adsorption might adversely affect the growth and health of experimental animals indicated no ill effects when the intake of Bentonite was 25% of the total diet. (Reference: Annals of the N.Y. Academy of Science, Vol. 57, page 678). Since liquid clay is mostly water with only a proportion of Bentonite, to reach this state of toxicity it would mean projecting the results of this experiment to where the person would have to consume each day a supply designed for 1032 days. In other words, mathematically for the Bentonite to reach the toxic level of 50% of the diet it would be necessary to consume a three year supply each day over an extended period. (Reference: Annals of the N.Y. Academy of Science, Vol. 57, page 678). 

Tip on using clay: Clay is not an exact science so feel free to gradually increase your amount of liquid clay, poultices and length of time in a clay bath. The longer the better. 30 minutes is recommended because the bath cools off by then. Feel free to add more hot water or stay with what you got. Experimenting is safe with clay. 
Clay Testimonial: 
Burn- 2nd and 3 rd Degree to the Foot

I had a huge pot of boiling pasta water explode when I added salt to it like I have done a hundred times before a little bit at a time and no explosions. This last time it shot up 3 feet in the air and came down on my foot.  I usually wear clogs when I cook but that time I had on a ballet slipper type low cut shoe.
 It melted my sock into my foot and cooked the entire top and side of it.  You cannot imagine the pain and screaming! I couldn’t get to a source of cold water for several minutes until help from upstairs came. 

 I spent about 8 weeks in an outpatient burn clinic.  It was looking so badly that I thought I was going to lose my foot. Then they said that I needed a skin graft on the side because it was almost a 3rd degree burn there and it was not healing.  It was infected and oh the pain!

That was when I decided that all their modern medicine was going to cost me my foot and I packed it with wet clay.  Within the first 24 hours I could see that it was going to work.  At my next visit a few days later, they could not believe what they were seeing.  It has been about a year now and there is only a faint brown flat area in some of the burned areas.   There is no keloid scarring, no pain, no loss of feeling.

I also used it along with Oil of Oregano on a black widow bite that my spouse had. His leg was 3 times at least its normal size and was necrotic over a large area of the bite site. On top of it he had type 2 diabetes. He had become  delirious, shaking, chills and no one knew what to do.   Your clay and the oil of oregano saved him and his leg. The MD was truly amazed. – Rosemarie C.
Zoom Webinar

Zoom Webinar
We had a nice long Zoom call last month. Lasted 3 hours, The questions rolled in and some interesting topics were discussed. No one wanted to leave the call. Your Questions really do help as I am so familiar with clay that I assume everyone knows what I am talking about. So all questions are appreciated.

Perry A~ is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Q & A with Perry A~ on Calcium Bentonite Clay

Time: Jun 15, 2023 8:00 p.m. EST, 7:00 p.m. CST, 5;00p.m. PST, Canada EDT (Eastern Daylight Time is 9 p.m.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 831 3360 8219

Passcode: 421800

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You can order Perry’s book from or Amazon; click HERE to visit the Tips & Testimonials archive for more amazing clay info. And be sure to check out her website Head to Toe Products, plus here’s the link to the great PDF she offers on how to mix and use clay.

Related Self-help Health post that includes more links to clay-related information:


p.s. Be sure to subscribe to Self-help Health so you don’t miss any future posts. Also check out my website’s To Your Health page for more helpful health tips, tools and information. 

The Benefits of Extra Hydrogen: Part II

If you haven’t read the previous post about the health benefits of extra hydrogen, be sure you do that first, since it contains important information about hydrogen and how drinking hydrogen-enriched water can positively affect your body in numerous ways, including increasing your energy and improving the health of your gums. It also mentions how inhaling hydrogen can have significant protective effects on ischemic organs and possibly help people who have suffered from stroke, cardiac arrest, or heart attacks.

Today’s Part II focuses on several more ways adding extra hydrogen (H2) to your daily routine could benefit your health


Check out this video where Dr. Gellibolian, PhD in biochemistry discusses the difference and how molecular hydrogen, not alkalinity, is what gives us the health benefit:


Watch this 6-minute video to find out more about how using hydrogen water and gas can offer benefits to the skin:

FYI, you can also put hydrogen-rich water into a spray bottle and use it on your skin, cuts, scrapes, etc. Just be sure the bottle is glass and not plastic, which could leach into the water.


Great news has come from a double-blind randomized controlled trial at six hospitals between June 2019 and March 2022 examining the effectiveness of H2 in treating hearing loss in sixty-five patients with ISSNHL (sudden hearing loss) showing the changes in hearing threshold were significantly better in the H2 group than in the control group.



Some food for thought from Dr Paul Barattiero about the benefits of hydrogen water:

“You need your immune function. You need your body performing at it’s peak and hydrogen is gonna do that within an hour…….And if your elimination pathways are not open, get the hydrogen water because it’s gonna open them and not have inflammation in the liver, the kidneys, the gallbladder, the pancreas, the whole pancreatic system……And ATP is critical and you want to have ATP. And the hydrogen water will get that mitochondrial function to peak really quickly, so you have energy. And also it reduces fatigue….There was actually a study on coffee versus hydrogen water, and the hydrogen water beat out coffee by 10% in it’s energy production ability in the body, but with no down cycle.

Oxidative stress and inflammation is the cause of cancer. And so, when you’re removing that, you’re removing all pathology and having the body be less susceptible. So, in many of these studies, 114 of them, it says hydrogen is anti-cancer. And so many of the studies, like in the colon cancer, it says hydrogen water can inhibit colon cancer. That’s a very strong language.”

And this is a great one to end on. It’s a story about a remarkable recovery due to inhaled hydrogen…

The case is of an 11-year-old boy with PVS caused by severe intracerebral bleeding in the left hemisphere following anticoagulation treatment. The patient’s PVS severity showed no notable improvement after 2-mo neuroprotective treatments and rehabilitation, including nerve growth factor and baclofen, hyperbaric oxygen, and comprehensive bedside rehabilitation therapies.

Then the doctors discussed and decide to provide the boy with daily inhalation treatment (4-6 h) where a high-concentration hydrogen (H2) gas (66.6% H2 + 33.3% O2) was provided. Surprisingly, the 11-year-old’s orientation, consciousness, ability to speak, facial expressions, and locomotor function were significantly restored, along with improvements in essential general health status, after H2 gas inhalation treatment, which was consistent with stabilized neuropathology in the left hemisphere and increased Hounsfield unit values of computed tomography in the right hemisphere. The patient finally recovered to a near-normal conscious state with a Coma Recovery Scale-Revised Score of 22 from his previous score of 3.

Research source:

As you can see from Part I and II, inhaling, drinking and soaking in hydrogen-rich water can have a positive effect on our health in a variety of ways, and there are a number of companies offering various types of hydrogen generators these days.

As I mentioned in Part I, I bought a device a number of years ago that made hydrogen-rich drinking water, but recently switched to the ION Bottle Pro 3000, because it offered several features my old one didn’t, including a nasal cannula inhaler attachment. It also has a self-cleaning option, features a carry handle, is lighter in weight (making it more portable), and not only has a 3 min. cycle, but also a 10 min. one that results in H2 up to 3000 ppb (therapeutic levels are 1.0 ppm/1000 ppb or greater), so you get a much higher concentration of hydrogen.

The Ion Bottles’ devices are designed to produce pure molecular hydrogen and they help your water maintain premium neutral pH levels, which they do with the help of electrolysis and the Proton Exchange Membrane inside. The Pro model also has a built-in down vent that expels the oxygen and ozone, and if chlorine or other oxides are present, it will filter those, too, leaving your water with 99.9% hydrogen up to 3.0 PPM, along with the H2O present.

FYI, hydrogen is the lightest molecule on earth, so it evaporates quickly, often within 10-15 minutes once exposed to air. But because the Pro 3000 has a more advanced membrane then Ion’s pitcher and original bottle devices, it will last upwards of 30 minutes in an open container. The beautiful part of a hydrogen generator is that, if the container has been open too long, you can always run another cycle to reinfuse more hydrogen, which isn’t the case with single use pouch and canned hydrogen water.

If you would like to order one of the ION Bottles devices, use this link and the code BETTERHEALTH4U for 10% off. Adding hydrogen water to your daily routine would be an easy way to “up” health quotient, AND would make a great health-promoting gift for friends and family!

Here’s to being healthy & free in 2023!

p.s. Be sure to follow Self-help Health to receive helpful tips on a regular basis.  And check out my website’s To Your Health page for even more useful information and resources for creating better healtand well-being.

Easy Liver Cleanse Tonic


This morning I received a newsletter from Ross Bridgeford at with the following recipe to help detoxify the liver, and I happened to think that right now might be a great time for many people to do a full-out cleanse, since you need a couple of days when you can stay home and lay low and that’s actually the norm right now. But if you’re not ready to go that route and want something less stringent, this recipe sounds like it will be a good way to give your liver function a boost. I plan to give it a try soon myself, especially since I haven’t done a formal cleanse in quite awhile…..


When your liver is stressed it affects every area of your health…

But this simple, delicious recipe works so quickly, and so effectively, it can be a huge helping hand…because…

The bottom line is this: you cannot achieve vibrant health with a tired, overworked, out-of-balance liver.

It’s too important and it does too much!

Your liver: cleanses and filters your blood, stores and releases glucose (tired? it could be your liver), removes toxins, metabolizes fat, makes proteins, produces critical hormones and so much more…

Right now, and this could be essential, your liver also fights infections by making immune factors and removing bacteria from the bloodstream…

This recipe is a great start…

It will immediately get to work to support your liver and give you a huge boost.

I have supercharged it with some of the most powerful liver-nourishing ingredients and the combination of nutrients from the garlic, ginger, grapefruit, lemon and oils heals, soothes and detoxifies the liver…

And the taste is refreshing and delicious too!

Liver Cleansing Tonic

Serves 2


2 large grapefruits
4 lemons
300 ml of filtered water
2 tablespoons of cold-pressed flax oil
1 clove of fresh garlic
2 inches of fresh root ginger
A dash of cayenne pepper!


  • Squeeze the juice of the grapefruit and lemon into a blender
  • Next, grate the garlic and the ginger, and then using a garlic press, squeeze this into the juice
  • Now add the water, plant-based omega oil and blend for 30 seconds (and add more ginger/garlic to taste)

Why This Recipe Works:

Garlic: contains numerous sulfur-containing compounds that are known to activate the liver enzymes responsible for expelling toxins from the body. Another lies in the presence of both allicin and selenium, two important nutrients that play an integral role in the protection of the liver from damage.

Garlic is also proven to activate cells that specifically protect us from liver cancer, and also to lower cholesterol, prevent fatty liver and so much more.

Ginger: has also shown remarkable abilities to prevent liver damage, scarring and prevent fibroids as well as fatty liver.

Grapefruit: Phytonutrients in grapefruit called limonoids prevent tumor formation by promoting the production of one of the master antioxidants: glutathione-S-transferase.

This detoxifying enzyme ignites a reaction in the liver that helps to make toxic compounds easier to remove from body, protecting the liver (and kidneys) in the process.

Lemons: while also containing the limonoids mentioned above, lemons also supports liver function by strengthening liver enzymes, regulating blood carbohydrate levels and serving as the basis for new enzyme creation.

Omega 3: strongly proven to prevent fatty liver and liver disease, omega 3 is also powerfully anti-inflammatory and helps prevent toxic buildup, thus removing a lot of stress on the liver too.

These delicious, liver-cleansing ingredients will leave you feeling invigorated and your liver feeling nourished and loved.

I urge you to give it a go, and for more delicious cleansing recipes and my full cleanse protocol, check out The Alkaline Reset Cleanse.



Related Self-help Health posts:

Keeping the Liver & Gall Bladder Healthy

Cleansing the Liver & Gall Bladder Part I

UPDATE 5/10/21: Just found out about this easy routine from Donna Eden for helping cleanse and detox the liver and gall bladder…



p.s. Be sure to subscribe to Self-help Health so you don’t miss any future posts, and tell your friends to do the same. Also check out my website’s To Your Health page and Evolution Made Easier blog for more helpful health tips, tools and information.

Disclaimer: Please note that any information here is provided as a guideline only, and is not meant to substitute for the advice of your physician, nutritionist, trained healthcare practitioner, and/or inner guidance system. Always consult a professional/your inner knowing before undertaking any change to your normal health routine.

Fat Flush Juice Recipe & Free Weight Loss Training


Here’s a great recipe and offer of a free weight loss training from Ross Bridgeford of…..

Fat Flush Juice

Alkaline Recipe #182: Fat Flush Juice

This fat-fighting, nutrient-dense juice is one of my absolute favorites. I love it.

It tastes great, really, really great and it contains just five ingredients. But every single one of them is nutritious, alkalizing and simply brilliant for weight loss.

Before we get into the juice recipe, let’s take a little look at what each of these powerhouse ingredients can do for you:

  • Baby Spinach: spinach is a rich source of the chlorophyll-containing parts of the green plant cell, called thylakoids. Studies have shown that these thylakoid cells contain a hundred different membrane proteins, as well as various vitamins (A, E and K) and antioxidants like carotenoids, lutein, zeaxanthin, and chlorophyll.This mixture of plant compounds found in the thylakoids have been proven to prevent cravings, increase satiety (2) (feeling fuller for longer), balance blood glucose (3) and increase the efficiency of fat digestion (4) (to make you digest fat in the way the body USES it instead of stores it). Juicing spinach is possibly the best way of getting a concentrated hit of these amazing thylakoids.
  • Kale: also rich in chlorophyll, Kale is a powerful detoxification agent in the body, and when the body can release toxins, it also releases fat.

    New research has also shown that the ITCs made from kale’s glucosinolates can help regulate detox at a genetic level.  Kale is also ridiculously rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents, preventing both oxidative stress and inflammation – both of which directly lead to poor blood-glucose regulation, excessive insulin release, a stressed pancreas, a loss of the body’s ability to burn fat as fuel, inflammation in the digestive tract and more.

  • Beetroot: beets also contain antioxidant, anti-inflammatory phyto-nutrients and the most powerful in beets are betalains, and they provide similar benefits as kale, above.However, beetroot is also a diuretic helping the body rid itself water retention. The betaine in beetroot has also been proven to help lower blood pressure, and reduce fatty deposits in the liver, both of which can be important for people who are already in an overweight category.
  • Cucumber: also a highly alkaline, a diuretic, an anti-inflammatory and an anti-oxidant but also now known to contain lariciresinol, pinoresinol, and secoisolariciresinol — three lignans that have a strong history of research in connection with reduced risk of cardiovascular disease.
  • Cinnamon: helps control blood sugar levels, improves how your body uses insulin, controls hunger and cravings and plays a key role in how your body uses stored fat. An all-round weight loss powerhouse!

All in all, that is five high-alkaline, powerful, weight-loss nutrients that ALSO fight inflammation, provide protective antioxidants, a rich source of chlorophyll…and together taste DELICIOUS!

And real quick, if you want to join me for my free Alkaline Effortless Weight Loss training on Sunday 29th September – register here 🙂

The Alkaline Fat-Flush Juice: Let’s Make It!

Serves 2

– 3 large handfuls of baby spinach
– 1/2 bunch kale (can be any variety)
– 1 medium beetroot (and leaves if possible)
– 1 cucumber
– 1/2 tsp powdered cinnamon


  1. Wash, chop and juice all of the ingredients, except for the cinnamon
  2. Run around 100 ml of water through the juicer to slightly dilute the juice and help with the juicer cleaning process!
  3. Whisk the cinnamon into the juice, serve and enjoy!

It’s a really wonderful way to support weight loss (if you want or need to lose weight) and if you don’t need to lose weight, it’s alkaline, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, nutrient-packed juice that tastes WONDERFUL! — Ross Bridgeford

On another note, Vibes Up has created a version of their very popular, multi-purpose Earth Energy Mats that includes SHUNGITE, so now they are more powerful than ever. Check them out at Vibes Up now, because they are about to end their 3 for 1 sale on them! 



p.s. Be sure to subscribe to Self-help Health so you don’t miss any future posts, and tell your friends to do the same. Also check out my website’s To Your Health page and Evolution Made Easier blog for more helpful health tips, tools and information.

Disclaimer: Please note that any information here is provided as a guideline only, and is not meant to substitute for the advice of your physician, nutritionist, trained health care practitioner, and/or inner guidance system. Always consult a professional before undertaking any change to your normal health routine.


You Really SHOULD Be Using Calcium Bentonite Clay!

I’ve done several posts about using  triple-swelling calcium bentonite clay and, if you have never used it as a self-help health aid, you’re really missing out. It has so many uses and benefits I think every household should have some on hand. I’ve put together some of the testimonials I’ve received from being on Perry Arledge’s mailing list (she has a new website that offers very high quality clay at and used to offer free seminars on working with clay and is a real expert in the field) to help convince you to give it a try. It really IS amazing what working with this special clay can help with health-wise!

You can use it internally, externally, on your kids, your pet, your garden and more…..

13 Year Illness Gone After A Month On Clay

I am turning 25 in just a few days and have been taking the clay internally three times a day for a month now. I have been sick on and off for 13 years and the traditional doctors could never find a cure for me. I had just accepted that I had a sickly body and a weak immune system. I had bald spots and began fainting at the age of 12, then at 20 I became nauseous all of the time. When I graduated from college, I was so sick that I needed to take some time off before obtaining my masters degree. I began researching different ways to detoxify my body. I started getting colonics, bought an infrared sauna, and eating raw food. But it was only when I started drinking a Calcium Bentonite clay that I started feeling like a normal human being for the first time in 13 years!!! After 3 weeks, I had an energy surge. I started wanting to do things I hadn’t wanted to do in a long, long time…simple things like take a hike with my family. This clay has given me back my passion to live my life to the fullest. Before the clay, I was sick, exhausted, and depressed. Now, I feel alive! People are even saying how good my skin looks! Like I have a glow!! I will, without a doubt, be a lifelong customer. Anytime I have any questions, I just call Perry A. and she answers my calls directly and with such kindness and grace. This clay truly saved my life.

Cat Tumors Disappear with Clay

This summer I participated in one of your teleseminars and submitted a question about whether the clay could heal the large (cancerous-looking) bleeding tumor on my cat’s tail.   When the vet shaved it, it looked like a rotten potato attached to his tail –much bigger than his actual tail, so it could not be removed – so the only thing they could offer was amputation.  Well I did not want to do that unless it meant life or death and there were absolutely no other options, so I started using the clay in the meantime just to stop the messy bleeding.

Well, long story short, my cat cooperated well with me applying the clay and it really helped stop the bleeding.  However, in time an oozing hole developed where the bleeding used to be.  I kept that hole packed with clay, and within an incredibly short time the entire huge tumor had just melted away.  The hole is gone now, there is just a tiny bump left that I can feel at this point.  I continue to apply the clay and will do so until there is no hint anything left but his beautiful tail.  Although my cat was never sick from this, he was acting rather old and depressed, but now he has the energy of a kitten again.

I gave a co-worker a small jar of clay for the same purpose as her cat also had a VERY large tumor on its neck. When I checked back last week, she said her cat’s tumor had completely dissolved and was in fact also completely gone!

For both these cats, the vets had no treatments other than risky or disfiguring surgery with no guarantees.  I am so glad that I had already purchased the clay for some other reason I can’t even remember. I plan to start using it more diligently to improve my health and also the more difficult to treat problem my other cat has with sinus infection and gum irritation.  Thanks so much for helping spread the miracle.  We are ALL so very grateful!!!

Gardening With Clay

I had horrific tomato plants full of psyllid nymphs and cucumbers not doing too well.
I have powdered my plants on March 1st and I can’t see any psyllid anymore and cucumbers are looking okay.

On March 2nd I have powdered carrots, leeks, beetroot with clay, as they had rust.
As per today March 22nd,  they all are looking good. My Chicory Witloof has got outside leaves rotting so powdered with clay and 3 days ago still had to get rid of wilting leaves, whether the rotting had started before I sprayed and needs longer to stop the process, I don’t know???

All still needs more observation for longer, but sounds good. I took a plastic jar, opened the lid and drilled holes from inside out and I just shake it. It uses a lot of clay and as I have a very cheap source for gardening…whether to put less clay would work might as well? All experimental.

Clay expert Perry A~’s note:  When preparing garden soil mix or potting soil mix, add a generous handful for pots and much more for beds and mix in well.  Plants will grow faster, healthier, with hardy blooms.  It will kick booty on sandy loam non-clay soils.  Not for acid loving plants

Liver Flukes 

I have been having some pain in my upper stomach all the way down to the pelvis area (clearly my gastro system).  What is interesting is that, like you said, the liquid clay will remove parasites.  Well… after several days of 2 oz 2x day and lots of distilled water with lemon, I have had at least 4 bowel movements containing clearly visible organisms that appear to be Liver Fluke parasites.  After that. my pain went away.

Constipated Cat

I did as you suggested, and simply increased the amount of hydrated clay
I mixed 11 year old cats canned food. Tremendous difference! Big nicely formed
‘tootsie  rolls’ two days in a row, and no more vomit. The clay was all it
took. Her energy is way up. A wild ‘bush bunny’ racing around the house!

Stomach Ulcers and Gall Bladder

I just read the book on clay by Perry A~, even read it to my husband, who has frequent episodes of gastric distress from an ulcer. We decided to give clay a try, the next time he had a problem, I gave 2 oz. to him. His problem resolved within moments, to our great relief. Then, a few nights ago, I ate more greasy food than I should have.  I had my gall bladder removed several years, and the doctor told me to go easy on fried foods.  It’s not usually a problem, since I eat very little fried foods.  When I overdo the greasy foods (which has only happened a few times!) I can hardly move for the horrible abdominal pain.  Well, after the success with my husband, as soon as I began to feel discomfort in my lower abdominal region, I decided to try a swig of the clay solution, too, and very shortly, no more discomfort! – Jo Ann A.

Teacher Notices Change after Autistic Child’s First Detox Bath

As a parent of a child affected by autism – I will try anything (safe) to help my son. I figured I’d give clay a try. Oh my goodness – the changes have been incredible! A few days after my son’s first detox bath his teacher asked me if I gave him a “speech pill”! I’m sure you could imagine my excitement.

I personally know the cost of trying to heal a child and when you find something that works, it’s just an incredible feeling. Again I’m just so thankful I was turned onto this product. Thank you for providing help to our children!!!! Have a beautiful day! – Anna W.

Periodontal Disease

I had periodontal disease with several #8 pockets a year ago. In Oct. of 2011, I started brushing with the dry Living Clay twice a day and at night packing those areas with the clay. At my last dental check-up I now have #4 pockets and healthy gums. He also said my teeth were very nice and white!! So happy with this clay. – Cindy P.

Disc Bulge Problem in Back

I have a disc bulge in my lower back and sacroiliitis…One day I had spent five hours in the yard raking and mulching. When I came in I could barely move: sitting, standing and moving from either position were extremely painful. This is typical of my condition. I had Living Clay prepared, but hadn’t used any yet. I took two ounces and ten minutes later, the pain was GONE. I felt fine the rest of the evening. I was stiff when I woke up in the morning and took two more ounces. I had no pain the rest of the day. Typically pain like I had that evening would have lasted at least a week and may have even caused me to miss that following day of work. I am amazed at the power of this product. -Dawn S.

Yellow Teeth

I have had a real problem with very yellow teeth. This is in part because my teeth are naturally not a bright white, but also because I refuse to put fluoride in my mouth, and I go through phases where I drink a lot of herbal tea. I keep my toothbrush soaking in H2O2 and have tried several kinds of homemade concoctions – usually baking soda-based. None had any impact on my yellow teeth. The other day I mixed some dry clay with some baking soda, added a wee bit of H2O2, vegetable glycerin, Stevia power, and essential oil of peppermint. The only real difference was the clay. After 3 days I noticed that my teeth were several shades whiter. I was so happy. I’m still using it and expecting even better results as time goes by. Chloie L.

Dental, Cavities, Mouth pH

The most impressive thing that happened to me with the clay dealt with my mouth.  Over the past several years, in spite of meticulously brushing and flossing my teeth, I have had an acidic PH in my mouth and many cavities.  Prior to beginning the clay, I had been diagnosed with 5 more cavities after only 6 months.  I had 3 of them taken care of and then I made an appointment to have the remaining 2 taken care of.

At the time of the first appointment, I had just begun to use the clay powder to brush my teeth (prior to bedtime) and tongue and then after I would rinse, I would put more clay powder on my brush and brush it all over my teeth and around the gum line and let it remain there.  Because of various circumstances, it was another month till I was able to go back to the dentist for my appointment.   When I went in, the dentist and the hygienist were both confused as they looked for the two cavities they were supposed to fill.  They could not find them.  I know that they were previously there because they had used the metal pick and I had felt where they poked into the holes.

I told the dentist about the clay and he said that the area must have re-mineralized.  They were both excited about it and they took down the information for the websites and I recommended Perry A~’s book to them.  I will definitely continue on tooth brushing with the clay as I enjoy stronger, healthier teeth which are also whiter looking.  Thank you for pointing out all the good uses of this product. Donna J.

End-Stage Liver Disease & Hep C

Just wanted to share a wonderful clay testimony. My niece has End-Stage Liver Disease and is awaiting a liver transplant.

I had the clay sent to her four weeks ago. Her ammonia level was 157, and last week’s blood work showed a level of 93. Also, best news — her Hep C has become inactive during this time. The clay is the only thing she is doing different, so we totally attribute it to that and her strong faith and will to live.

She takes Clay baths twice a day — she covers her body with a Clay mask, allows to dry and then gets into a bath. The severe body itching has subsided. She also makes a poultice over her liver area with Clay and covers with the Miracle II Gel. Will keep you posted. – Elaine S.

Constant Diarrhea

In October 2016, I started to have pretty well constant diarrhea. Saw my GP (Australian name for a non specialist MD.) and she put me on various medications with zero results.
She went on holidays and I saw another GP. She took me off all medications, to see what would happen. Went on unabated and needed a colonoscopy. Then I remembered the clay.

I started to take liquid clay, 3-4 oz, 3 times a day and used hydrated clay on relevant areas, in early February 2017. The diarrhea stopped completely in one and a half days, never to return, and it is now April! Never had the colonoscopy.

I did however have a severe detox reaction, with beetroot red swollen glands under my armpits, so I put clay packs there as well and they too are now history.

PERSONAL NOTE: The part about the swollen glands reminds me of my own experience working with clay. I did the 21 day 3 times a day protocol and started feeling painful little lumps forming under the skin in my armpits, but didn’t really equate it to the clay until I upped the dose as given in the directions when dealing with more serious/long-standing conditions and that seemed to be too much for my body to handle fairly comfortably. The lumps rose to the surface and began oozing pus, with more lumps forming as others would be getting better. 

Not a fun or comfortable experience, to say the least, especially since it was the middle of summer when armpits are more prone to get sweaty. I stopped using the clay for awhile and it actually took several months before things started easing up. But I’ve had a number of health issues and a low level infection and congested lymph for years, so I’m sure that’s part of why I had such an extreme reaction. Even with other types of cleansing and detoxing I’d done, it was like the clay was the only thing that reached things at a deeper level that had been accumulating for a long time. The one good thing is the experience showed me how truly powerful using the clay can be.

FYI, the armpits (and groin) are major areas where lymph collects, so I think that’s why I had the reaction there. But I couldn’t understand why my left armpit was affected so much more than my right one, until I happened to read somewhere that, for some reason, the body naturally has a much greater percentage of lymph nodes and activity there than on the right-side. I’d never realized that before!

Also, if you plan on using the clay for detoxing baths, I highly recommend ordering from Even Better Now for 100% pure sodium bentonite clay, which has the highest cation exchange capacity of any bathing clay tested on the market. It is hypoallergenic and contains no excipients or fillers, and is free of bacteria, viruses, molds or yeasts, and easily disperses in water, with virtually no clumping. Unlike other bathing clays, EBN® Cleansing Clay can be safely rinsed down the drain, with no drain guards or special cleaning or clay dissolving agents required. 

p. s. The above testimonials I listed are just a few I’ve received by being on Perry A’s mailing list. She no longer offers the free webinars, but does monthly Zoom with dates mentioned in her newsletter. You can check out her archive of information and sign up to get on her mailing list at the bottom of the site she hosts. She also offers a book and if you end up using her archive or getting on her list, I highly recommend donating a little something to help her defray the cost of the great wealth of information she is offering to people for free.

You can refer back to the previous Self-help posts on bentonite clay for multiple ways to use it, but here’s a quick synopsis of the most common ones:

INTERNAL USE – For a single serving, mix 1 tsp of clay with 2 oz of high quality water; shake well and drink. Be sure to avoid using metal containers and measuring spoons when measuring, mixing or storing this liquid.

Multiple servings can be made at once and stored in an air-tight glass or plastic container. When stored properly, the clay will keep indefinitely. Keep out of close proximity to chemicals and strong odors.

FOR BATHS – Sprinkle 1 or more cups of clay into running bath water and stir to keep from clumping

TOPICAL USE – Mix 3 parts water to 1 part clay (use glass on plastic container only!); let stand until clay has fully set and apply as needed to skin, let dry, and then rinse clean. Can be used to sooth irritations, help wounds and burns when applied as a poultice.

Avoid contact with eyes. In the event that irritation occurs or continues, consult a health care practitioner.

Two of the related Self-help Health posts on clay:

The Healing Benefits of Clay

Clay Baths, Packs And More


p.s. Be sure to subscribe to Self-help Health so you don’t miss any future posts, and tell your friends to do the same. Also check out my website’s To Your Health page and Evolution Made Easier blog for more helpful health tips, tools and information. 

Disclaimer: Please note that any information here is provided as a guideline only, and is not meant to substitute for the advice of your physician, nutritionist, trained health care practitioner, and/or inner guidance system. Always consult a professional before undertaking any change to your normal health routine.

New Recipes For A New Year, Plus Acupressure Chart And Other Free Resources!


In case there’s been a little too much over-indulgence during the holiday season, here’s 2 recipes (plus a link to more!) from  Ross Bridgeford, author of The Alkaline Reset Cleanse, for toning and regenerating the liver, followed by 5 free resources to help get 2019 off to a healthy start…..



But first, there are a few things you need to know about your amazing liver:

1) it is one of the most hard-working organs in your body
2) when your liver is under stress, every area of your health will suffer
3) your liver has the incredible power to heal, rebuild & regenerate

And the alkaline foods in this juice have been proven to support and nourish the liver, prevent liver damage and help the liver rebuild…rapidly!

The Ultimate Liver Regeneration Juice

Makes 2 Servings


  • 1 Cucumber
  • 1/2 Bunch Kale
  • 2 Large Handfuls of Spinach (or any other leafy green)
  • 1/2 Grapefruit
  • 1/2 Inch of Ginger
  • 1 Inch of Turmeric
  • 1 Beetroot
  • 1 Carrot


Thoroughly wash all of the ingredients (except for the grapefruit) and juice, starting with the leafy greens, then the ginger and turmeric, then the root vegetables, and finally the cucumber. This ensures that the cucumber at the end washes everything through

Put the 200 ml of water through the juicer to further wash the goodness and flavors through.

Finally, squeeze and gently stir in the grapefruit at the end.

Note: This juice makes TWO serves, so you can either halve the ingredient quantities for one – OR – and this is my recommendation, you can put the other serve into an airtight container in the fridge for later, or tomorrow.

If kept airtight, cool and in a dark place (i.e. the fridge) a juice will keep for 24-36 hours. Of course fresh is best, but this is a good way to halve your juicing time and workload!

I share how each of these ingredients can be so important in nourishing and regenerating the liver – let’s dig into a few now:

  • Spinach & Kale (the leafy greens): Like the rest of your body, your liver loves these greens! Spinach and kale are awesome, and you can swap in or out with watercress, chard, romaine, arugula etc. too. They’re loaded with chlorophyll which alkalizes and purifies the blood to help liver function. Chlorophyll also help neutralize heavy metals, toxic chemicals, and even pesticides!
  • Beetroot & Carrot: extremely high in the plant-based antioxidants: flavonoids and beta-carotene. Eating beetroot and carrots can help stimulate and improve overall liver function.
  • Grapefruit: High in both vitamin C and antioxidants, grapefruit increases the natural cleansing processes of the liver. A small glass of freshly-squeezed grapefruit juice will help boost production of the liver detoxification enzymes that help flush out carcinogens and other toxins.
  • Turmeric: one of the only foods that can assist the enzymes that are responsible for flushing out dietary carcinogens – protecting the liver from damage. Turmeric can also actively assist in the regeneration of damaged liver cells – it literally repairs and regenerates your liver!
  • Ginger: helps prevent the toxic effects of a wide array of substances, effectively taking the burden off the liver. In addition, ginger lowers serum cholesterol which dramatically decreases the risk of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease.

A cleansing version:

Liver Cleansing Tonic

Makes 2 servings


2 large grapefruits
4 lemons
300 ml of filtered water
2 tablespoons of cold-pressed flax oil
1 clove of fresh garlic
2 inches of fresh root ginger
A dash of cayenne pepper!


Squeeze the juice of the grapefruit and lemon into a blender

Next, grate the garlic and the ginger, and then using a garlic press, squeeze this into the juice

Now add the water, plant-based omega oil and blend for 30 seconds (and add more ginger/garlic to taste)

Why This Recipe Works:

Garlic: contains numerous sulfur-containing compounds that are known to activate the liver enzymes responsible for expelling toxins from the body. Another lies in the presence of both allicin and selenium, two important nutrients that play an integral role in the protection of the liver from damage.

Garlic is also proven to activate cells that specifically protect us from liver cancer, and also to lower cholesterol, prevent fatty liver and so much more.

Ginger: has also shown remarkable abilities to prevent liver damage, scarring and prevent fibroids as well as fatty liver.

Grapefruit: Phytonutrients in grapefruit called limonoids prevent tumor formation by promoting the production of one of the master antioxidants: glutathione-S-transferase.

This detoxifying enzyme ignites a reaction in the liver that helps to make toxic compounds easier to remove from body, protecting the liver (and kidneys) in the process.

Lemons: while also containing the limonoids mentioned above, lemons also supports liver function by strengthening liver enzymes, regulating blood carbohydrate levels and serving as the basis for new enzyme creation.

Omega 3: strongly proven to prevent fatty liver and liver disease, omega 3 is also powerfully anti-inflammatory and helps prevent toxic buildup, thus removing a lot of stress on the liver too.

Want more alkalizing recipes from Ross? Check out this page for his favorite ones from 2018. I’m definitely going to try the 3-minute detox tea and cauliflower alfredo sauce.


The first free resource for today also comes from Ross Bridgeford……

Join Ross for a 60 minute LIVE webinar to Kickstart 2019 With the Health & Energy of Your Dreams this Tuesday, January 8th!

This webinar is at 12pm PST / 3pm EST / 8pm GMT and you will learn:

  • The ONLY three things you need to do to completely unlock huge new levels of energy in your body
  • How to double or triple the benefit you get from the good foods you eat (naturally, for free)
  • How to re-balance your adrenals, thyroid and pancreas – so important for autoimmune, type 2 diabetes, weight loss, cancer and more
  • How to rapidly remove inflammation from your body – you cannot have vibrant health in a state of inflammation
  • How to soothe and heal digestion – alleviating the symptoms of IBS, Crohn’s, reflux and more – and how the pH of your foods is critical
  • PLUS how to get started right away, with simple, actionable steps!

Register now for this LIVE webinar

And from Deepak Chopra…..

During this online event, Deepak will guide you and thousands of people across the globe on how to take active, yet practical steps to healing and balancing your entire being.

Held over 4 weeks, each week will focus on a key aspect of the “whole-self approach”:

  • Week 1 – Body
  • Week 2 – Mind
  • Week 3 – Emotions
  • Week 4 – Spirit

There will be weekly videos, guided meditations, audio webinars, helpful downloads, a private Facebook group, and more! It all begins on January 14th – for free.

Sign up now!

An invite from Nick Polizzi, host of Remedy: Ancient Medicine for Modern Illness and founder of The Sacred Science…..

Ancient Herbal Detox Secrets


On Tueday, Jan 8th, I am going to be joining renowned herbalist KP Khalsa for a free webinar where we’ll show you a 5-step Herbal Detox Method that you can try right now. This scientifically-proven technique has been used for thousands of years because it’s simple, super effective and extremely safe.

KP Khalsa is one of the prominent experts featured in the Remedy docu-series and for good reason. He has been working with herbs for over 40 years and is widely respected as one of the leading natural medicine doctors in North America.

Our goal behind this LIVE Herbal Detox Webinar is to give you a full body and mind reboot that will leave you feeling beautiful inside and out, turbo-energized and filled with inspiration. There will be a replay available, if you can’t make the live event.

Click here for full details and to register now

From The Shift Network, the 2019 Winter of Wellness event….

What are your most pressing health concerns?

Are you trying to figure out what to eat or not eat for YOUR body, biology, and digestive system? Looking for the best ways to work with unprocessed trauma?

Want to ignite your creative expression, deepen romantic intimacy, or clear environmental toxins from your body?

Are you seeking alternatives to traditional western medicine… such as EFT, botanical, or energy medicine?

And what about your brain health? Looking for the best ways to increase your mental clarity and focus?

It can be difficult to know where to turn to for trusted resources – practitioners who are experts in their fields and can support you in achieving your wellness goals and addressing your unique needs.

Winter of Wellness is an unparalleled health, healing, and wellness series offering leading-edge solutions to your personal health objectives – with esteemed teachers, doctors, and practitioners sharing their proven methods that address the WHOLE you. During this life-enhancing event, you’ll discover secrets for becoming the best version of yourself – physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

Learn more and sign-up here

And finally, here’s a link to a free download from acupressure guru Michael Reed Gach, PhD that shows points for balancing digestion and curbing the desire to overeat. If you want to know more about acupressure points, the 12 meridians, self-healing practices, the 5-Elements and Qigong, get on his mailing list for more details….

Once you click on this link above, you can save it to your computer for future reference. Hold any of these balancing digestive points throughout the day to reduce your desire to overeat and at the same time strengthen your gastrointestinal system.

Gach is also offering a free webinar on Jan 10th at 8 pm ET/5 pm PT on Acupressure Meridian Points. You can sign up here



p.s. Be sure to subscribe to Self-help Health so you don’t miss any future posts, and tell your friends to do the same. 

Disclaimer: Please note that any information here is provided as a guideline only, and is not meant to substitute for the advice of your physician, nutritionist, trained health care practitioner, and/or inner guidance system. Always consult a professional before undertaking any change to your normal health routine.

Natural Remedies For Eliminating Parasites


I’ve been meaning to publish this ever since I finally got around to posting the information awhile back about how common a problem parasites are, but am just now doing it. Hopefully you’ll find this helpful, and I will likely be adding to it in the future…..




NATURAL Ways for removing PARASITES

 Ridding the body of parasites can sometimes be a long, involved process, and a number of different protocols may be called for. Diet is certainly one way to help address the issue. Certified nutrition specialist Ann Louise Gittleman recommends an “anti-parasite” diet where your daily intake of food is composed of 25% fat, mainly in the form of expeller-pressed oils high in EFAs.

The oils lubricate the gastro-intestinal tract and serve as a carrier for vitamin A, which appears to increase resistance to tissue penetration by parasitic larvae. Proteins, which are vital for strengthening and rebuilding tissue and enhancing immunity, would account for another 25% of what you eat. And the remaining 50% would come from complex carbohydrates, although beans, peas, and other legumes, as well as nuts and seeds, should supposedly be avoided because they can cause flatulence and irritate the digestive tract.

It’s also important to curtail the consumption of refined sugar, since it not only serves to suppress the immune system, but is also the “food of choice” for many parasites. Gittleman recommends eliminating dairy products and gluten-containing foods like wheat, rye, oats and barley, as well. Heavy intake of raw fruits and vegetables should be limited, and cold or iced foods should be avoided, since they cause the intestine to contract and hold in toxins, rather than release them. Other food related guidelines or remedies for parasites include eating papaya, pumpkin and lemon seeds, and using the green black walnut hulls, wormwood, and ground cloves combination mentioned further down in this post. Fungal Defense™ would also be helpful in ridding the body of parasites.

Other herbs and supplements to consider using:

Burdock Root – a natural blood purifier and detoxifier; helps the body maintain healthy skin and nourishes the urinary and respiratory systems; stimulates the digestive and immune systems, restores liver and gallbladder function; supports joint and skeletal tissues, removes accumulations and deposits around the joint and aids in the elimination of excess fluid, uric acid and toxins; has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties.

Cascara Sagrada – helps relieve constipation; nutritionally supports the stomach, liver, pancreas, and gallbladder; is cleansing and nourishing to the colon; also known to assist digestion and helps the body to eliminate worms and parasites.

Garlic – a natural antibiotic and fungicide that helps the body rid itself of parasites and heavy metals; provides nourishment for the circulatory, immune and urinary systems; supports normal circulation and blood pressure, stomach tissue, and aids the body’s natural ability to resist disease. Use either fresh or a supplement with high allicin content.

Golden Seal – nourishes the liver, glandular and respiratory systems and helps cleanse the system of foreign organisms.

Male Fernhelps the body get rid of tapeworms.

Parsley – valued as a blood builder, cleanser and has pressure-regulating properties; helps prevent the multiplication of tumor cells, expels worms, relieves gas, stimulates normal digestive activity and freshens the breath; supports bladder, kidney, liver, lung, stomach and thyroid function; contains more vitamin C by weight than an orange.

Sennaassists in expelling waste from the intestines and kills worms.

Paratrex®a supplement from GHC with a unique formula designed to help the body detoxify and flush the intestinal tract; it’s also a powerful aid in fighting against an invasion of harmful organisms

Latero-Flora™ – another supplement from GHC that can be used in conjunction with Paratrex® to help the body fend off parasites

That covers some of the dietary options available for dealing with parasites. As far as internal cleansing goes, certainly cleaning out the colon, as well as the liver and gallbladder, are key to ridding the body of many free-loading microorganisms, so be sure to read the Self-help Health posts on those topics. Also refer to the post on candida. And any protocol that helps strengthen and purify the body overall, like the Salt Water Flush, would be supportive.

Parasites are anaerobic, so water that is ozonated, and colon cleansers, like Colosan, and Oxy-powder, that release oxygen into the intestines, are other possible options. Several of the companies (Global Healing Center, and EvenBetterNow) listed on the Links page of my website carry products and kits aimed at eliminating unfriendly microorganisms

And a simple recipe involving raw honey and apple cider vinegar is said to help rid the body of parasites. I haven’t used this yet, but these two ingredients are two of the absolute best self-help health aids around and provide relief for all sorts of issues, so I wouldn’t be surprised if it at least helps get parasites out of your system. And it’s certainly simple enough to use/do….just mix 1 TBS raw honey (manuka would be best) with 1 TBS ACV in a glass of (structured) water and drink it down!

The thing to remember with parasites is they have a hard time infecting a healthy body, so anything that strengthens the system overall is going to help ward off or get rid of these unfriendly invaders. The best thing is to follow the old saying “an ounce of prevention….. ” Making sure you maintain proper pH balance is a major step in creating an inner terrain that is inhospitable to infestation by parasites. Do little things, like adding cloves to certain recipes/foods or use it to spice up your coffee or tea. Drink pure unsweetened cranberry juice (cut with some water), or 2 tsp. of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water, on a daily basis as a preventative measure.

Wash produce in 1 tsp. of hydrogen peroxide per gallon of water, or use Dr. Bronner’s Sal Suds, Orange TKO (, or one of the all-natural vegetable washes now available, to help remove parasites from fruits and vegetables.  And did you know that certain parasites can live for as long as 2 wks. under your fingernails, just waiting to gain access to your body? So something as simple as keeping your nails short and washing your hands thoroughly after gardening, petting animals, etc. can make a big difference.

(For more information on dealing with parasites and products to help with the issue, check out Global Healing; you may also want to read the book Guess What Came to Dinner: Parasites and Your Health, by Ann Louise Gittleman, M. S., and/or The Cure for All Diseases, by Dr. Hulda Clark.) And this article from PaleoHacks mentions a couple of remedies I hadn’t heard of before.

Here’s more on treatment options from  The Health Wyze Report :
If a conventional doctor believes that you have parasites, he will prescribe you an anti-parasitic pharmaceutical.  These pharmaceuticals are always toxic, for it is their toxicity that kills parasites.  Thus, swelling of the lymph nodes, hands and feet are common, whilst vision problems, lack of coordination, and convulsions can also occur.  Diarrhea is typical with these drugs.
 These are the most commonly used natural substances for eliminating parasitic infections:
  • Black Walnut Hulls
  • Wormwood (from the Artemisia shrub)
  • Common Cloves (from the clove tree)
  • Pumpkin Seeds, or Pumpkin Seed Oil Capsules
  • Garlic
  • Neem (Do not take neem if you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant, because it can work as a contraceptive.)
  • Thyme leaf and seed
  • Marshmallow root
  • Diatomaceous Earth
  • Blends of the above ingredients, with marketing names like ‘Para-Clear’.

We would not recommend choosing one of the corporate formulas, since they are usually overpriced and formulated with low concentrations.  Unfortunately, it is not possible for us to examine each formula, and evaluate them.

Diatomaceous Earth (be sure to read the Self-help Health post for more info) is the best natural anti-parasitic medication. Add DE to your diet to detox parasites that can contribute to food intolerance, nausea, bowel discomfort, pain, itching, asthma, sinus infections, Morgellon’s disease, and a host of other allergic-type reactions.

DE also helps eliminate mercury, cadmium, lead and other heavy metals; removes poisons from chemtrails, radiation and may alleviate the effects of GMOs. DE possesses antibacterial, anti-fungal and anti-viral properties.

It is actually an all-natural pesticide which does not harm humans or pets.  It is believed to kill insects, worms and parasites by dehydrating them.  When used on ants, it usually takes around 20 minutes before they are all dead.  One tablespoon of diatomaceaous earth taken by an adult once a day for seven days is believed to be extremely effective at killing all parasites.

If this is going to be given to children, bear in mind that height is a better indicator of the size of their G.I. tract than their weight.  Thus, a child who is 4 feet tall should take 2 teaspoons, and a child who is 2 feet tall should take 1 teaspoon.  If you take this route, we advise you to only buy food grade.  Industrial DE is used for swimming pool filters, but it has been chemically treated, and this type is not safe to eat.  Try to avoid rubbing it onto your hands, as it can have a drying effect upon the skin.

Diatomaceous Earth contains heavy metals as part of its mineral content, but it also contains the natural antidote, selenium, which allows otherwise accumulative heavy metals to be flushed from the body.  Therefore, it is not really a health concern despite the presence of aluminum and lead.  We recommend taking selenium supplements for a week after discontinuing this treatment to ensure that the body thoroughly flushes all of the heavy metals.  Our research indicates that DE is the best overall parasite treatment for humans, because it should likewise kill all microscopic blood-born parasites as well.  When using it, be sure to drink plenty of fluids, because it will dehydrate a person considerably.

Wormwood and black walnut hulls are known to kill adult worms, while cloves kill worm eggs.  Some people use this trio for treating parasites, instead of diatomaceous earth.  It is recommended that you take 500 mg. of wormwood and black walnut hulls, while taking 1/2 teaspoon of cloves daily for around 14 days.  All other herbs mentioned are used in addition to these two core protocols.

As parasites die, they release toxins through their excrement, and from rotting.  The most common parasites, the worm type, attempt to escape by burrowing deeper into the intestines, which can cause sharp pains and cramps.  Even when dead, the body is still burdened with the task of flushing them out.  This whole process can initially make the person feel sicker than before he started the cleanse, but this is only temporary, and it is a sign that the cleanse is working.  While fatigue and grogginess are also to be expected, normal life may be continued, and diarrhea should not occur.  Ensure that you are eating a good, wholesome diet throughout the cleanse to ensure that your immune system is at its strongest.  After the cleanse, you should feel better, have more energy, and experience sickness less often.

Source: The Health Wyze Report

Also, I’ve been experimenting with taking bentonite clay in liquid form to help with candida and other things. It seems like it’s been helping and I plan to write a post about using clay internally at some point in the (hopefully) near future. And a friend of mine has been using a product called Para1, I believe, that I want to find out more about, so stay tuned!

More information to check out:

FYI, you can get a variety of natural remedies at a discount at (use code CJG192 if you are a new customer and spend more than $40 and you will get $5 off your purchase). Plus, you can take advantage of their Trial Offer and Specials sections; there’s no sales tax, shipping is free on orders of $20 or more, you earn loyalty rewards cash, AND you get an extra 5% off on orders over $60. is another one of my favorite on-line places to shop. Great discount prices, ever-expanding inventory, free shipping on $49 and up, and if you are a new customer and use the link on my website you will get a $10 off coupon with your first order of $25 or more. Woo-hoo! 


p.s. Be sure to subscribe to Self-help Health so you don’t miss any future posts, and tell your friends to do the same. Also check out my website’s To Your Health page and Evolution Made Easier blog for more helpful health tips, tools and information.

Disclaimer: Please note that any information here is provided as a guideline only, and is not meant to substitute for the advice of your physician, nutritionist, trained healthcare practitioner, and/or inner guidance system. Always consult a professional before undertaking any change to your normal health routine.



Onions: In Your Food, On Your Feet, By Your Nightstand…..What?!


A couple of years ago I read somewhere about onions being such strong anti-bacterial agents that if you cut one in half and put it in a dish on your nightstand, in the morning it would be all black from attracting all the germs and “greasy grime” in the environment. I was thinking about that a few months ago and wishing I’d saved the article because I wanted to refresh my memory on the facts, plus include the info in a post about onions because they keep coming up, along with garlic, as such good anti-cold and flu agents.

Anyway, I had been wanting to research the topic, but hadn’t found the time to get around to it. Then boom and viola! An e-mail showed up right after that that actually contained info about that very thing. Talk about synchronicity and serendipity!



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Onions: Don’t Leave Home Without Them! 🙂

Onions have countless uses in the kitchen and are a chief ingredient in many sauces, salads and entrees, but to think of them only as a cooking ingredient overlooks the fact that they are also nutritional and healing powerhouses. Eating an onion a day (ideally raw) could be one of the most effective and inexpensive ways to safeguard your health, especially during wintertime.

Rich in disease-fighting quercetin

Onions, particularly red and yellow onions, are fantastic natural sources of the well-studied flavonoid quercetin. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, quercetin acts like an antihistamine and an anti-inflammatory, and can guard against heart disease and cancer. These claims are now being proven by research. For example, one study published in Gastroenterology in January 1996 found that eating half of an onion a day could cut the risk of developing stomach cancer by 50 percent. Wow! And a later study published in the British Journal of Nutrition found that quercetin could significantly reduce the concentrations of LDL cholesterol in overweight subjects, thereby decreasing their risk of cardiovascular disease.

High in allicin

The pungent taste and aroma of onions, as well as their famous release of eye-watering gases when chopped, is due to their allicin content. Allicin is also found in garlic, another common kitchen ingredient and nutritional powerhouse. Allicin is an organic sulfur compound which, like quercetin, possesses anti-inflammatory properties and can help prevent cancer. Moreover, research featured in Microbes and Infection in 1999 showed that allicin is a potent anti-microbial, anti-viral and anti-bacterial, and can kill common (and increasingly antibiotic-resistant) microbial cultures in the body such as Candida albicans and E. coli. Since viruses thrive in cold weather, eating more onions in winter really is a good idea!

Lower blood sugar

Although the allicin in onions is best-known for treating disease, it has also been linked to reduced blood sugar. A research paper published back in 1975 in Experientia proved that diabetic rabbits that were treated with allicin extracts experienced “significantly reduced” blood sugar levels and glucose-nitrogen ratios. We now know that this is because allicin competes with insulin in the liver, which encourages the body to manufacture more of it. This helps transport glucose through the body, thus reducing blood sugar levels. Additionally, onions are also a top source of chromium, a trace mineral that enhances the actions of insulin. Therefore, diabetic or pre-diabetic individuals can help stabilize their blood sugar levels by adding more allicin-rich foods like onions to their diets.

Surprisingly dense in nutrients

One medium-sized onion also contains a surprising number of additional nutrients. This includes approximately 20 percent of our recommended daily intake of the essential antioxidant vitamin C, as well as varying amounts of protein, fiber, potassium, magnesium, manganese, calcium, iron and most of the B vitamins. Obtaining these nutrients from whole foods like onions is the best way to optimize biosorption rates.

Learn more:


And from The Alternative Daily, here are 11 of the amazing ways you can use onions more often…..

Stop a bloody nose

If you get a nosebleed, as soon as possible after it starts, slice an onion and hold it just underneath your nose. The fumes from the onion act as a natural coagulant to stop the bleeding.

Cure insomnia

While it definitely sounds a bit bizarre, onions are even said to cure insomnia. Just cut into a raw onion and take five to ten deep breaths of its aroma. For the best results, place it into a glass jar and put it beside your bed – take a whiff just before laying down.

Eliminate dark spots on the skin

To remove dark spots on your skin, slice a red onion and rub it directly onto dark areas of the skin after cleansing. Used on a daily basis it can help lighten hyper-pigmentation.

Soothe menstrual cramps

Onions are known as one of the best soothing agents for menstrual cramps. Consuming raw onions regularly during four to five days before your period can help ease the pain.

Improve sexual drive

The agent that gives onions their strong smell, allicin, is also responsible for increasing blood flow to the sexual organs, resulting in increased sexual drive.

Strengthen the immune system

As onions contain a significant amount of phyto-chemicals in addition to high levels of vitamin C, they can help strengthen your immune system, providing a strong defense against the common cold or flu.


Onions’ sulfur-containing amino acids offer a detoxifying effect which helps the liver process things like caffeine and acetaminophen as well as converting pesticides, lead and dry-cleaning solvents into forms that are less toxic and easier for the body to eliminate.

Support good oral health

Forgetting about the issue with foul breath for a moment – chewing raw onions for several minutes can help prevent tooth decay and oral infections by killing harmful germs present in the mouth. Just brush your teeth and use a mouthwash afterward to get rid of the smell. Chewing a fresh sprig of parsley can also help.

Stabilizing blood sugar levels

Studies have shown that consuming onions regularly can also help balance blood sugar levels. Onions are a good source of fiber, potassium, vitamin C and many other micro-nutrients, compounds which further help to support normal blood sugar levels.

Fresh bulbs of onion*Preventing cancer

Research has found that organosulfur compounds, found in both onions and garlic, prevent the development of cancers by detoxifying carcinogens and stopping cancer cell growth. High onion intake has been associated with a 56 percent lower risk of colon cancer and a 25 percent lower risk of breast cancer compared to no onion intake.

*More on this in a follow-up post on onions

Eliminate pimples

Rubbing half an onion on your face daily can help to eliminate blemishes without leaving acne scars or the long list of side effects which can come from acne medications.

Onions are truly an amazing food – use them frequently in your meals. They’re one of the most versatile vegetables and can be consumed raw or cooked, imparting a unique flavor to almost any recipe.

Onions for fever
I heard one of my teenage daughters talking to someone the other day about treating a fever, and she said, “Put some onions on your feet.” I couldn’t believe how bizarre that sounded. However, that is how I raised my kids. From as young as they can remember, I would initially treat a low-grade fever with white onions, putting a few slices on each foot and pulling on their socks.

Using onions for healing is nothing new. In Europe, onions were used to fight off sickness in the early 1900s, and Ayurvedic medicine has been using a poultice for the chest or feet to treat coughs, flu and fevers for centuries. The Hutterites, a North American pacifist community similar to the Amish, place cut onions throughout their home during cold and flu season because they believe the onions keep the germs away.

Onions are rich in sulphur-containing compounds that are naturally detoxifying. In addition, onions are the richest dietary source of quercetin, a highly potent antioxidant that has been shown to thin the blood, combat asthma, chronic bronchitis, diabetes, infections, and has been linked to inhibiting certain cancers. Onions also have strong anti-inflammatory, antibiotic and antiviral properties. So, don’t forget to add plenty of onions to your diet to help protect you from even the nastiest of bugs.


And here’s a list from Tropical Health that includes some uses not mentioned by The Alternative Daily.


For a really great, in-depth article on onions and which ones are highest in certain nutrients, and how to store and use in cooking, and extensive list of what health issues they help address, check out this post by Dr. Mercola. It also mentions how, when peeling an onion, you should only remove the outer most papery layer because a lot of the nutrients are in the next few layers……

Ideally, peel off only the outermost paper-like layer. Peeling too many layers can reduce the onion’s quercetin and anthocyanin content by as much as 20 percent and 75 percent respectively.20 One piece of good news is that quercetin does not degrade when cooked over low heat, so when you’re making soup, for example, it simply transfers into the broth.


And now for the fun and exciting part about onions that came in the e-mail I was talking about. It was from Dr. Jane Goldberg, health enthusiast and owner of La Casa Day Spa in NY. She’s always got some interesting information to pass along and this time it was exactly what I’d been waiting for. Here’s what she said….

And now for a novel but smelly idea:
The following information comes from La Casa friend, Rev. Zoe Chang. As Zoe tells the story:
In 1919, when the flu killed 40 million people, so it is said, there was one doc who visited his neighbor farmers to see if he could help them combat the illness. As he was to discover, many of them, as well as their families, had contracted the flu, and had died.
However, the doctor came upon one farmer, and saw that everyone in his family was still healthy. The wife explained that she had placed an unpeeled onion in a dish in each of the rooms of the home. The doctor was puzzled, and asked if he could have one of the onions to examine it under the microscope. He found the flu pathogen in the onion. The onion had seemingly absorbed the flu pathogen, thereby, happily storing it away from the family, and keeping them healthy.

The story gets better: A few years ago, a hairdresser was having trouble because so many of her employees and customers were coming down with the flu. When flu season came the next year, she decided to try the onion remedy, and placed several bowls with onions around her shop. She was happy to report that for that year none of her staff got sick.And, yet more, from a woman in Oregon:

“Thanks for the reminder. I don’t know about the farmer’s story, but, I do know that I contracted pneumonia and needless to say, I was very ill. I came across an article that said to cut both ends off an onion put it into an empty jar, and place the jar next to the sick patient at night. It said the onion would be black in the morning from the germs. Sure enough, it happened just like that. The onion was a mess and I began to feel better.”
Onions have powerful antibacterial, antiseptic properties.  The fact that they have the capability of absorbing bacteria and viruses is the reason they are so good at preventing us from getting colds and flu. But this is, also, the very reason we shouldn’t eat an onion that has been sitting for a time after it has been cut open. Leftover onions are toxic.
One of the people providing information for this piece took a tour at Mullins Food Products, an Illinois company that makes mayonnaise. Questions about food poisoning came up during the tour, and the guide’s answer was surprising. He maintained that all commercially-made mayo is completely safe.
“It doesn’t even have to be refrigerated. No harm in refrigerating it, but it’s not really necessary.” He explained that the pH in mayonnaise is set at a point that bacteria could not survive in that environment. He then talked about the summer picnic, with the bowl of potato salad sitting on the table, and how everyone blames the mayonnaise when someone gets sick.
The guide said that when food poisoning is reported, the first thing the officials look for is when the ‘victim’ last ate onions. He was clear that the culprit is not the mayonnaise (as long as it’s not homemade mayo) that spoils in the outdoors–but rather, it’s much more likely to be the onions.

He explained that onions are a huge magnet for bacteria, especially uncooked onions. He suggested to be careful with onions on hot dogs at the baseball park, and never keep a portion of a sliced onion. He said it’s not even safe if you put it in a zip-lock bag in the refrigerator. It becomes highly toxic when left open for even a single night, and creates bacteria which can cause adverse stomach infections, or food poisoning.

And, finally, dogs should never be given onions. Their stomachs cannot metabolize them.
I’m definitely going to try the onion on the nightstand (and soles of my feet) routine and see what happens. Fascinating stuff! Also, since reading the part about not using leftover cut onions, I have been more cautious about keeping them more than a day or two in the fridge. So far I haven’t had a problem, but then I use a BerryBreeze™ unit, which neutralizes pesticides and toxins, so that might be the reason.
Related Self-help Health posts: Let’s Hear It For Red Onions!


p.s. Be sure to subscribe to Self-help Health so you don’t miss any future posts. Also check out my new website Evolution Made Easier and blog of the same name for more helpful information, tips, tools and resources.

Disclaimer: Please note that any information here is provided as a guideline only, and is not meant to substitute for the advice of your physician, nutritionist, trained healthcare practitioner, and/or inner guidance system. Always consult a professional before undertaking any change to your normal health routine.

Free Cleanse And Detox Workshop, Plus Video Series On Heart Health And Acupressure


Have been so active with other projects I haven’t had much time for posting lately, but did want to let everyone know of these free resources. First is an invite to an upcoming on-line workshop on cleansing and detoxification from the people at Food Matters…..


Wellness Summit 2016

Do you ever have those mornings where you feel a bit low on energy and would just rather lay in bed for a few more hours instead of getting up to face the day?

Don’t worry – you’re not alone. Those days happen for all of us. But your body is actually trying to communicate something more… it may be time to eliminate toxins from your body and get a total body reset.

This month we’re hosting a FREE Online Cleanse & Detox Workshop and we want to give you a complimentary pass to join us!

There’s no better way to reset your body than through the ancient practice of cleansing and detoxifying your entire body.

During this workshop you’ll learn how to:

  • Feel energized and alive
  • Lose weight and keep it off
  • Remove toxins from your body safely
  • Boost your immune system
  • Heal your body from the inside out
  • Reset your metabolism and kick the cravings
  • Sharpen your mind and remove the fog

When you sign up for the free workshop, you’ll have access to 5 expert interviews, 5 health and wellness documentaries, a private Q&A webinar with us, and a downloadable cleanse and detox workbook.

The workshop begins on March 20th but you will need to save your free spot now.

Important Note: This workshop is not an actual cleanse – although no doubt you’ll be wanting to do one after! This workshop is going to enlighten you with all the latest information you need before choosing to do a detox or cleanse.

If you’re ready to discover the powers of cleansing and detoxing, you can secure your FREE pass here.

Here’s to feeling refreshed and energized!

Filmmaker ‘Food Matters’ & ‘Hungry For Change’


And a notice from Dr. Steven Masley about his free video series…..


Don’t forget; I’m giving away free, access to my three-part video series: “30 Days to a Younger Heart”.

Sign up here to access your videos, available for a limited-time only.

The information featured is so easy to incorporate into your daily life—and so well worth the effort.

And with all of the amazing benefits at stake—such as heart disease prevention, weight loss, increased energy, better mental clarity and improved sexual functioning—you’ll want to start immediately.

It’s invaluable information that can quite possibly save your life. So don’t miss out. Click here to access the series right now.


And finally, details about a free video training series from Michael Reed Gach at that will be released on Tuesday, March 7th….

Gach is going to reopen and share with you a video series that is packed with a ton of free practical acupressure info. Each of the videos covers the foundations of acupressure and specific points that you can use right away.

  • Learn points to relieve pain and stress
  • Discover connections between Acupressure, Acupuncture, Trigger Points, and Tapping
  • Learn his personal Daily Healing Routine

BONUS HEADACHE WEBINAR: 9 Acupressure Points to Relieve Headaches

You can get on the early-bird list for the series by signing up here:

Early-Bird: Acupressure Video Series Signup



p.s. Be sure to give Self-help Health a follow so you don’t miss out on future posts. Also check out the To Your Health page at my website Evolution Made Easier and my other blog for more helpful information, tips, tools and resources.

Disclaimer: Please not that any information provided here is as a guideline only, and not meant to substitute for the advice of your physician, nutritionist, trained healthcare practitioner, or inner guidance system. Always consult a professional before undertaking any change to your normal health routine.