Crystal Salt: Part II


Here’s Part II of the information on one of my all-time favorite self-help health aids, crystal salt. Be sure to read Part I (Himalayan Crystal Salt: It’s What’s Shakin’), if you haven’t already done so.


Himalayan salt in bag


The mineral composition of this special salt also plays a major role in heart health. Refined salt dehydrates us so that our blood actually gets thicker and the body has to increase blood pressure to move the thickened blood into the arteries and capillaries. Crystal salt, on the other hand, provides the minerals and trace elements that are needed in human blood in very similar proportions to what’s required for optimum blood plasma. And it helps us stay hydrated because it electrically charges the body in such a way that we can use water more efficiently, so the blood stays naturally thin, moving easily through the system of arteries and capillaries.

Some people use the crystal salt and within weeks their high blood pressure starts to normalize. On the other hand, if someone has low blood pressure, crystalline salt helps raise their pressure up slightly so it’s at a more normal level. If you use the salt and are also on medication, you should monitor yourself closely under the supervision of a healthcare professional—the reason being that crystal salt may correct your blood pressure and you may end up no longer needing your medication. And continuing to take it when it’s no longer necessary can cause harmful side effects. Whatever your particular blood pressure problems are, they are probably related in some way to mineral deficiency and dehydration, and crystal salt can help with both issues.

In a 2 year study done with 400 people, it was found that using crystal salt not only can help balance blood pressure, but also eliminate calcium deposits, un-clump red blood cells, and detox the blood. And it does this while also increasing the body’s usable oxygen. All of this is the exact opposite of the effect table salt has on the body. Our bodies are 70% – 80% water, but that’s only part of the story. It is the type of salt in the body’s water content that actually turns it into either a “living liquid” or health hazard. Christian Opitz, who has spent years focusing on the biochemistry of health, has said that “salt is indeed the foundation of life, so the quality of the salt we use determines the nature of that foundation for our own lives.” He believes the single most important thing the average person can do to improve their health is eliminate refined table salt and add Himalayan crystal salt to their diet.

If you’ve already replaced ordinary table salt with sea salt, then you’ve made a step in the right direction. But some sea salts (supposedly 85% of them), including those sold in health food stores, are highly refined, and even certain unrefined versions are affected by environmental pollution. Himalayan crystal salt, on the other hand, comes from ancient sea beds formed 250 million years ago that are now located deep within the Himalayas, so they were never exposed to the possibility of environmental pollution. And this is the only salt in which all minerals are incorporated into a crystalline structure—making it as different from other salts as a diamond is from coal. It’s this crystalline matrix that allows the salt to carry greater electrical energy and a much stronger life force than any other salt on the market.

From the research I’ve done, sea salt is supposedly made up of a combination of irregular and isolated crystalline structures disconnected from the natural elements surrounding them. Because of this, the body cannot absorb the vital minerals, however many it may contain, without expending tremendous energy to vitalize them. So it assumes a medial role—it’s not as detrimental as table salt, but an ional-colloidal integration of its elements is not possible. This analysis, and the comparison of crystal salt to table salt and sea salt, has been confirmed by the Institute of Scientific Photography in Germany using light microscopy, as well as raster-electron microscopy.

And crystal salt can be used in a myriad of health-promoting ways—not just sprinkled on your food. It can be taken internally to help detox the body and cleanse the entire digestive system (stay tuned for my upcoming post Salt Water Flush), used in a neti pot to flush the nasal passages, or added to an enema to help cleanse the bowel. You can also use it as an ingredient in the Five Element Smoothie and in making the Crystal Salt Brine (both to be featured in an upcoming post). Amazingly, all the energy meridians of the body come into balance within 15 minutes of taking the brine, so it’s a great way to start your morning! But that’s not all the brine is good for. To further enjoy its health-giving properties, it can be used externally to address a variety of health conditions, such as skin disorders, herpes, rheumatic pain, gout, ear infections, and nail fungus.

himalayan salt close up

And the coarser size crystal salt helps turn a hot soak into a detoxing, skin smoothing, soothing experience. With the larger, coarser size crystals you’ll notice the salt’s natural pinkish hue. This comes from the presence of hematite, a form of iron oxide that not only lends a beautiful color to the salt, but also an ionic form of iron that the body can readily absorb. So if you need some extra iron in your diet, the salt serves as an excellent source. And ionic iron does not build up in the body and cause potential harmful side effects, which many forms of iron supplementation potentially can do. Himalayan crystal salt also contains naturally occurring iodine, which is essential to health—in exactly the proportion your body needs (the form of iodine that’s added to most table salts is actually considered a toxic metal).

The presence of naturally occurring hematite and iodine are just two more reasons why crystal salt makes the best flavor enhancer and mineral supplement you can buy! It really does seem almost like a miracle that something so simple and easy to incorporate into your health routine could have such far-reaching benefits. Just be sure that the salt you buy is from deep within the Himalayas and minimally processed (mined and washed by hand), because some on the market today are not, so they don’t offer the same level of quality and purity.

FYI, Himalayan crystal salt can be found at any health food store and a growing number of regular supermarkets. However, I always buy mine on-line because it’s much less expensive that way. One of my favorite discount places to shop is (use code CJG192 if you are a new customer and spend more than $40 and you will get $10 off and free shipping, plus can choose something from their free samples and take advantage of their wonderful trial offer section). is another favorite and each week adds tons of new items to their inventory. I think they are trying to give Amazon a run for their money. Anyway, if you shop at Vitacost be sure to sign up for a free acct. at first, if you don’t already have one. That way you can use the eBates portal to shop at Vitacost and earn cash back on your purchases. Plus, if you are new to Vitacost and spend a certain amount (I believe it’s $25), you will get a $10 coupon to use. And eBates is offering a $10 gift card to new users right now, so how does it get any better than that?!

(For more information on crystal salt, read The Miracle of Krystalby Christian Opitz, or Water & Salt: The Essence of Life, by Dr. Barbara Hendel and Peter Ferriera.)



p.s. Be sure to subscribe to Self-help Health so you don’t miss any future posts, and tell your friends to do the same. Also check out my website’s To Your Health page and Evolution Made Easier blog for more helpful health tips, tools and information.

Disclaimer: Please note that any information here is provided as a guideline only, and is not meant to substitute for the advice of your physician, nutritionist, trained healthcare practitioner, and/or inner guidance system. Always consult a professional before undertaking any change to your normal health routine.

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